Is It Bad To Crack Your Own Spine in Grand Rapids MI?

Is It Bad To "Crack" My Own Spine in Grand Rapids MI?

Chiropractic Grand Rapids MI Man Cracking Back

"Is it bad to 'crack' my own spine?"

Wondering if you should crack your own back in Grand Rapids MI?  I wrote a blog about this on my LinkedIn page (read the original blog) back in November but the question gets asked every week. Although it seems like a simple and gentle movement with a little sound, a lot goes into an adjustment that you probably don't realize.

Things to consider when "cracking" your back in Grand Rapids MI

Each time I evaluate your spine there are a few things going through my head:

  • subluxation analysis
  • palpation skill
  • movement quality
  • X-ray interpretation
  • instrumentation readings
  • line of drive consideration
  • muscle tone
  • swelling/edema
  • force quotients
  • contact points
  • vertebral level selection
  • contra-indication assessments
  • family history
  • patient positioning
  • breath control
  • purpose
  • intent
  • timing

It took years to develop all of these skills individually, let alone tie it all together. So if you think you can handle all that, give it a shot (at your own risk). But I would recommend leaving it to the professionals who dedicate their lives to delivering a safe, effective adjustment.


8:00am - 12:30pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 12:30pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 12:30pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 12:30pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm


Saturday & Sunday

Kaminski Chiropractic PLLC

4930 Cascade Rd SE Suite A
Grand Rapids, MI 49546

(616) 288-5999
Kaminski Chiropractic, Chiropractors D.C., Grand Rapids, MI